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Event Marketing, Public Relations

Omron Industrial Automation

Omron Industrial Automation specializes in producing technologically advanced components and systems, as well as providing consulting services for a variety of industries.

Omron Industrial Automation is part of Omron Corporation, an international leader in industrial automation with the core technologies ‘Sensing & Control + THINK’. Omron Corporation provides high quality automation products and customized solutions. It supports multiple sectors including industrial automation, electronic components, social infrastructure systems, healthcare and environmental solutions.


After years of centralized management, Omron Industrial Automation assigned its PR activities to LEWIS due to its European presence. LEWIS was tasked with strengthening relationships with key media and reaching new targets. The goal of the communication strategy developed in Italy, France, Germany and Spain, was to position Omron Industrial Automation as a Thought Leader in its industry and to ensure a share of voice among the top five players in the market.

LEWIS manages Omron’s PR, media relations and Media Buying activities, in agreement with local and European references.


In addition to public relations and media buying, LEWIS supports Omron during events. LEWIS supports the company during the main local and international trade fairs – such as MECSPE, SPS Italia Hanover Messe – involving journalists and key influencers, in order to improve the visibility of its innovative industrial automation solutions.


More than 350 articles about Omron in 2019 (+75% compared to 2018)

More than 30 thought leadership contents published in Tier 1 industrial automation publications

More than 17 press meetings at SPS Parma 2019, including interviews with general newspapers and TV and with full booth tour

Start of collaboration: 2019 and ongoing