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LEWIS Sydney


Financial Services


Event Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Public Relations

Sibos 2018

2018 was the 40th anniversary of Sibos, and it was returning to Sydney after 12 years.

Organised by SWIFT, the global provider of secure financial messaging services, the objective of Sibos 2018 was to increase the event’s visibility across APAC and ANZ using a communications strategy that will attract delegates largely made up of executives, decision makers and thought leaders from across the industry.

Sibos 2018 - SWIFT - LEWIS Sydney

The Approach

LEWIS opted for a two-prong approach to increase awareness of Sibos and generate more registrations. These efforts focused heavily around:

1) Media Relations: LEWIS pitched media interviews for selected speakers and SWIFT executives leading up to and during the event. Press releases focused on Swift announcements and partner announcements were also distributed every 4 – 5 weeks to keep the momentum going

2) Media partnerships: LEWIS identified strategic media partnerships for Sibos 2018 to drive the number of registrations as well as to ensure a comprehensive and consistent coverage of At-Sibos activities. The partnerships consisted of EDM distributions to the media partners’ database, digital advertising including banner, mrec and skyscraper ads, as well as print ads

The Results

A total of 128 global media attended Sibos and were managed by LEWIS. The team also:

  • Secured 4 ANZ media partners for Sibos
  • Secured 5 interviews with ANZ media pre-Sibos, and 25 interviews for ANZ and APAC media during the 4-day event
  • Garnered more than 220 pieces of media coverage in prominent publications including The Australian Financial Review (32 articles), The Australian (7 articles), AB+F (13 articles), The Sydney Morning Herald (3 articles), Xinhua News Agency (4 articles)