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Leading Account Based Marketing Agency in Australia

Technology is rapidly changing the way we do marketing, and account-based marketing (ABM) is a tactic that organizations can no longer ignore.

Account-Based Marketing helps B2B marketers identify and target the accounts they value the most: from customers, to partners, to prospects. There are several ways an organization can identify the ideal customer profiles/accounts. One tactic is to work with internal stakeholders to identify potential clients. Another tactic is to use your CRM and marketing automation platforms to engage, convert, close and then measure progress against customers and prospects. Alternately, you can apply ABM tools like Demandbase to identify and attract clients. However, just because you use a specific tool to manage your ABM campaigns, does not mean you do ABM. Note that account-based marketing strategies take longer to execute, yet the conversion rate and deal size are well worth the long game.

Every ABM strategy and activation looks different. Some are hyper-focused on a few target accounts, while others may focus on select industries or more extensive account lists. Some ABM programs use a mix of paid social to generate net new leads. Still other programs use marketing automation to nurture these leads through the buyer’s funnel.

Successful ABM programs break down silos between departments, especially between sales and marketing. With only 22% of companies believing their marketing and sales departments align, it’s no wonder why ABM’s reputation is growing.

Enabling the sales organization to work closely with marketing can provide input on target accounts and feedback on the sales cycle. Thanks to technology, campaigns can now operate on a much grander scale and be executed more efficiently than ever before. When sales and marketing work together, they get a 360-view of the customer journey, allowing for a personalised experience for customers.

Account-based marketing allows for personalised campaigns that provide valuable content to the target audience. ABM programs ensure the message and content align with the interests, needs, and challenges of each account and critical stakeholders.

TEAM LEWIS is an integrated marketing agency with extensive experience in understanding marketing technologies that enable businesses to drive growth. We bring the right strategy and the right people to create and execute account-based marketing campaigns that fuel business growth.




The TEAM LEWIS Approach

With account-based marketing, it’s all about building relationships. As your partner, we can work with your marketing, sales and customer success teams to strategize and execute ABM programs successfully. Either 1-to-1, 1-to-few or 1-to-many and measure ABM performance accurately across your marketing technology stack.

We’ve got experts in ABM, marketing automation, and conversational marketing technologies like DemandBase, Hubspot, Marketo, Adobe, Oracle, Drift and many others.

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Contact us

TEAM LEWIS has created and executed strategies utilising:

  • Paid Media – Using a target account list to reach our client’s prospects with ads customised for individuals or companies. We’ve seen great success for our B2B clients on LinkedIn for demand generation efforts.
  • Website Personalisation – Creating a unique experience based on demographic/firmographic information of site visitors. We’ve helped our clients define and map their customer journey.
  • Email Personalisation – Developing customised emails for individuals that are from target companies.

Whether you’re transforming your business, accessing new markets, or elevating your marketing strategies, we guide the way. Our account-based marketing programs allow businesses to scale their efforts, driving measurable ROI.

We Do ABM.  

  • ABM Consultancy – We help our clients define target personas, activate and optimize their ABM strategies.
  • Marketing Automation – We work in your platforms to create campaigns, nurture programs and all assets that go along. As a partner and expert in leading marketing automation platforms, we ensure our clients are using all available features to maximize their ABM campaigns.
  • ABM Campaigning – Not only do we guide your ABM strategies, we can help build and execute marketing campaigns on multiple channels.

Ready to elevate your ABM game? Take the next step with Account-Based Marketing. Contact our experts today. 

Do get in touch