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Sonic Branding Marketing Services

Stand out and be heard with powerful branded audio content that captures attention and ignites emotion, so that you can boost memorability in today’s crowded marketplace.

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Sonic branding, is the practice of using auditory elements to brand your product or service, creating instant recognisability. The average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, to eight seconds today. A sonic logo tips the odds in your favour, creating an emotional connection to your brand in split seconds. But wait, it gets better! The power of sonic branding extends beyond audio only channels as it is deployable across any digital or traditional marketing stream that incorporates audio.

Crafting your sonic identity is easier with a team that understands your brand identity
  • Sonic Identity
  • Sonic Logo
  • Sonic Deployment & Strategy
  • Podcast Production
  • Sound Design
The TEAM LEWIS Approach
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What can Sonic do for you?

Music, sound, and voice are highly engaging, but yet often under-utilised by marketers.

Think of sonic branding as not just an audio-only experience, but rather as a channel agnostic glue that expresses brand experience and evokes emotion across any marketing channel that incorporates sound.

When sonic branding is done right, it creates new and powerful brand experiences for customers. With attention spans becoming ever shorter, sonic is the secret to grabbing precious attention, conveying meaning, creating engagement, and triggering recall.

Here at TEAM LEWIS our key objective is to make your brand say it with sound. Stand out and be heard with your very own sonic branding project today.

Keen to Kick start your Sonic Branding? We're here to help.
