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DeAnna Jacobsen

Published on

January 15, 2019


agency life, professional skills

Starting a new role at a new company can be overwhelming, scary, and thrilling – all at the same time. Here are three habits that will help you navigate your new company culture, help you set your goals, help you prioritize projects, and show your team that you are committed to the success of the company.


Just because you’ve landed the job, does not mean the prep work is over. HR or your manager will likely set up a series of meetings for you to meet different team members and learn about the company. Think through each of these meetings in advance: find each colleague on LinkedIn and ask them individual questions about the company, culture and how they see working with you.

Outline your personal and professional 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day goals. Specify what needs to be accomplished to achieve a “done” status of each goal.
Example of a 30-day goal:

  • Objective: Gain visibility
    • Goal: Attend one company social event and create a blog post for the company corporate blog
    • Tactics: network, get to know your co-workers, and find out who owns the corporate blog
    • Measurement – (what does done/success look like?)
      • You’ve attended your first social event with your new co-workers
      • Your blog is published

Pouring drinks

Raise your hand.

In the first couple of weeks in a new role, you will most likely have more time on your hands. This is a great opportunity to raise your hand and assist with projects that will help your team and company. However, be clear when you volunteer for certain projects that you are willing to help, not own them all, as you may end up with too many projects that in the long run can hinder your goals.
Examples of projects you can dive right into:

  • Research — ask your colleagues if you can assist with any accounts or offer to help with research, reports, or any “low hanging fruit” projects.
  • Review company owned tools — In your research and your meet and greets you will start to see the tools the company uses. Identify a few tools you are familiar with or would like to learn more about and set up a 15-minute meeting with the owner of the tool to get a quick demo.

Take inventory, ask questions, and make suggestions.

You were hired for a reason. You are smart. What have you noticed that could be improved? Take this time to do a deep dive and research your company from the inside with a fresh look. When you start a new job, you have influence and credibility. Use your influence to help drive initiatives that will make an impact for your company. As you start to learn the culture you will know how far to push the envelope.

Who knows, your prior experience, your observations, and your recommendations may help you define your own career path at your new company!
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