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Cause for Animals





Community Causes


Causes for Animals (Singapore) Limited (CAS) is an animal welfare charity set up to support the needs of local animal welfare in Singapore. They  employ programs and policies to promote best practice, ethical, sustainable, and compassionate treatment of these animals.

CAS believes that working hand in hand with other organizations is vital and provides the best means to benefit local street dogs and cats. Causes for Animals aims to develop a sustainable, effective model for successful animal welfare management in Singapore. They aim to develop adoption and health centers, education outposts, and social enterprise businesses in support of their cause along with low-cost medical and assistance through the community outreach programs. They hope to drive and actively manage an effective Stray Management Program in Singapore that eventually leads to a Stray Free Singapore.

Why It Matters:

Animals have no voice of their own, no social safety net, and very few rights under the law. Especially in 2020, where our focus is on the safety of human beings, the situation of animal welfare has gotten worse. CAS suffered from constraints of manpower availability due to the pandemic.

An active team of volunteers continues to manage daily tasks on-site including feeding, walking, and cleaning of the adoption center but programs such as shelter tours, education programs, and even adoption drives had to be switched completely online due to COVID constraints.

Apart from the above, CAS receives no government funding and relies only on public donations. Despite this, the Charity has provided financial assistance to other animal shelters in need and continued to make donations to many other charities via online fundraising campaigns to support the vaccination and sterilization of shelter and street animals island-wide!

“No animal should be left out in the cold or left to die hungry. And we should help our animals to adjust to the new normal too.” Lynsey Hua, Senior Finance Executive, LEWIS Singapore.

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