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Supporting young people in need

Mission offers the first point of contact for young people in need of help, comfort and someone to talk to. It provides 24/7 crisis support via WhatsApp. The service is confidential, requires no pre-registration and is totally free of charge.

The charity’s goal is to reduce the number of young people seeking help – especially during the pandemic, which has a huge impact on lives due to the strict lockdown rules. The service is provided by volunteer experts who have already helped in over 12,000 sessions over the last year.

Why it matters

No one has been left unaffected by the pandemic. But for kids and teenagers, the past year has been particularly challenging: no afternoons with friends, no group sports, no peers to talk about their problems face to face. Given the strict regulations during the lockdown, it is hard for them to reach out. Often, there are issues, concerns or worries that they may not want to talk about with their parents. To address these needs and to decrease the inhibition threshold to involve a third party, offers a direct, easy and confidential exchange with a specialist via chat. The 12,000 sessions of professional counselling they have provided over the past year highlights the huge need for support.

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