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Mulwade Foundation





Community Causes

Breaking the taboo.


The Mulwade Foundation is a charity that supports people living with HIV, raises awareness about intentional and reckless HIV transmission, and assists victims to get the justice they deserve. The charity provides counseling, information, and legal advice. The people helped by this charity all have one thing in common; their health has been put at serious risk by the behaviors and actions of others. The aim is to give support, knowledge, and guidance to those who become infected and feel they have no one to turn to. The Mulwade Foundation helps victims when choosing to report the crime. Reporting a crime of this nature can be hugely daunting, and up until recently, there was no real reporting process or support for the victims. Due to this, many people would not report it at all for fear of the stigma that surrounds reporting HIV transmission to the police. The charity has worked closely with the Metropolitan Police and as a result, has helped establish a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that supports victims ensuring that they are supported through what is inevitably a life-changing process. This SOP is currently being rolled out across the UK.


Why It Matters

The Mulwade Foundation, like most charitable organizations, has seen its fair share of challenges navigating the unprecedented effects of the pandemic. The Mulwade Foundation has adapted and evolved to ensure that it can continue to provide support to those that need it. The foundation has done this by offering telephone and email services and online counseling.

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