A Food Bank That Offers More Than Just Food
Sufra NW London works on the front-line in the fight against hunger and poverty whilst also offering a wide range of services and community-based activities that empower individuals and families to overcome impoverishment and social isolation. Based on St. Raphael’s Estate, Brent’s most disadvantaged neighbourhood, the Sufra Community Hub provides a life-line for people in crisis – including families living in extreme poverty and people who are vulnerable, homeless and socially isolated. They provide their ‘guests’ with the food and support they urgently need to survive, empower them to learn new skills and improve their wellbeing, and help them find work and become financially stable.
Why It Matters:
With redundancies surging to a record high and pandemic heaping further pressure on those already living in crisis, more people than ever are turning to food banks for emergency support. Many of those that may have previously donated to food banks, may now be finding themselves on the receiving end and it’s important that we tackle the stigma around seeking help and raising the charities profile so that those who desperately need this support, know where to go. Not only does Sufra provide food parcels and warm meals, they also offer refugee support, advice surgeries and employment support to get people back on their feet and back into the community. All of this is done with kindness and by a community that welcomes people from all walks of life.
To make a donation click here.