Brand Messaging Case Study


Brand Creative Public Relations


Wildfarmed was stuck in a rut. The brand needed to find a way to move beyond its celebrity start-up story. It wanted to be taken seriously as a company that had successfully pioneered a solution to deliver sustainable food systems. It wanted to demonstrate this solution could be implemented at scale. And it wanted to do this in a way that stayed true to the unique culture and heritage of the company and its founders.



We interviewed Wildfarmed’s founders and a range of stakeholders to understand the challenges to adoption and effectiveness of current messaging. From this, we created a narrative and brand platform that successfully connected the founders’ personalities and back stories, company culture and unique approach to farming and food systems. To help Wildfarmed cascade the ‘Full of Life’ platform, narrative and messaging across its business, we created a storytelling kit and comms plan.



Through a media programme, our team raised Wildfarmed’s awareness by securing hero profile pieces from the stakeholder’s top media target list. We ensured a consistent media presence with by-lined articles, interviews and commentary opportunities. Radio was a key channel used as it better engaged with farmers working in fields. To extend the brand’s new messaging, we delivered media training to each spokesperson.

Key Results


pieces of coverage


radio opportunities


increase in farmers joining the community


views from the coverage

Our Work

Public Relations



The Music Man Project

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