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Move into Wellbeing


London - UK


Enjoyable and effective chair-based dance exercise classes for adults living with Parkinson's and other mobility restrictions.

145,000 people live with a Parkinson’s diagnosis in the UK. With population growth and ageing, this will likely increase by a fifth, to around 172,000 people in the UK, by 2030*. This growing number indicates a need for support for people with Parkinson’s and other mobility disorders.

Move Into Wellbeing was conceived and founded by Donna Schoenherr in 2014. Her father had Parkinson’s for 30 years, which inspired her to channel her energy towards helping people with this condition. Move into Wellbeing is dedicated to him and is a living legacy of his life, courage, and strength.

What does Move Into Wellbeing aim to do?

Move Into Wellbeing offer enjoyable, effective, and welcoming chair-based dance exercise classes for adults living with Parkinson’s and other mobility restrictions.

Not only does this cause aid people’s physical health, but mental health too. Move Into Wellbeing helps its members to boost their moods, fitness, balance, coordination, mental acuity, strength, and flexibility.

With 2 people being diagnosed with Parkinson’s every hour, it’s vital they feel supported and not alone. The cause thrives off a social element, such as coffee mornings, group walks, to prevent loneliness amongst class members and ensure no one feels isolated. This creates a support network for people suffering from the same issues/diseases.

Move Into Wellbeing’s Services

  • Organise weekly chair-based dance exercise classes (online and in person).
  • Create a library of exercise and dance movement pieces on Google Classroom.
  • Plan and execute coffee and cake socials for its members.
  • Educate and inspire people to learn about Parkinson’s disease.

TEAM LEWIS Foundation’s Support

Working with Donna Schoenherr, TEAM LEWIS’ charity initiative was able to help support Move Into Wellbeing’s life-changing work.  The team at the London office help design an updated newsletter for the charity to promote their dance classed in the community and put together a short video highlighting the incredible work the charity does.

The UK office also invited Donna to host a session about in-office exercises and to discuss accessibility issues in the corporate world. Donna has also come along to many TEAM LEWIS events to network and spread the cause’s message.

Julianne Power, Senior Account Executive at the London office, nominated the cause through TEAM LEWIS Foundation’s employee submission initiative. She continues to volunteer and support Move Into Wellbeing when they are in need of assistance.



Facebook: @Movein2Welbng
Twitter: @Movein2Welbng
YouTube: @moveintowellbeing5154
