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10 April 2019




Bopp & Tone, 60 Carrington St, Sydney

Consumerisation in Fintech

Australia’s financial services industry is experiencing huge disruption as Fintech businesses revolutionise the sector.

Consumers have more options than ever before. How a brand is perceived has become as important as the product or service it provides.


While the Fintech industry thrives due to its ability to adapt to changing consumer expectations, as discussed in our Fintech Marketing Engagement Report, engaging with customers across all touch points is imperative.


Speakers include:

Camilla Cooke, Chief Marketing Officer, Xinja

Queenie Ling, Marketing Strategist, Raiz

Kate Wilson, Research Director, RFi Group

Glen Frost, Founder of The Fintech Awards & First Rung

Join us as we discuss why marketing is central to forging close relationships with customers old and new and supporting Fintech innovation.

// Contact us at [email protected] to RSVP
