In celebration of International Women’s Day, we asked our colleagues what businesses, brands, employers and individuals can do to edge closer to the goal of creating a gender equal world.
Moving towards gender equality is something that has to be done as a collective – it’s not a one man job. As a society, we need to ‘unprogramme’ ourselves from thinking about gender in ways that are stereotypical; as marketers, we have the opportunity to help neutralise gender biases by portraying both men and women in roles that go beyond the expected. It’s a delicate balance that we have to learn to be conscious of, as we open our eyes to a world where both genders enjoy the same rights, obligations and opportunities. – Samantha Lim, Digital Manager, Content and Channels, APAC
More often than not, businesses tend to think of diversity as the ratio between men and women in the workplace, but why focus on the numbers? Instead, businesses must aim to foster inclusion as it takes courage and respect to truly embrace the differences we see in each other – be it age, gender, skillsets or opinions we each hold. Let’s all do our part in enabling an equal world for all. – Diana Himawan, Coordinator, Integrated Accounts
It probably has to start at home where parents teach and prepare their children for the outside world. As a new mom, I try my best not to stereotype the practices and beliefs of other’s or influence my daughter’s choice when it comes to the colour of her toys, sports, music and hobbies. My hope is that she grows up without being put into one box or is limited by what she’s able to do or choose. – Bev Viloria, Talent Manager, APAC
Gender equality starts with reflection – businesses need to impartially review their policies, culture and teams, and ask themselves if they are creating an environment where anyone has the ability to thrive. The next step is action – adjusting polices: to support new mothers or care givers, examining teams: to know if they are well-balanced, and evaluating culture: to ensure that employees have an outlet in which to express concerns and that promotions are based on merit. Removing these barriers is an essential first-step. – Keso Kendall, Head of Regional Strategic Accounts, APAC
The first step towards a gender equal world is for us to choose to see the best in each individual regardless of their gender, age, race or experience. Brands must also be mindful about the way they market or advertise their products and services – it’s time to stop generalising, stereotyping and get informed. – Nadia Chand, Senior Marketing Manager, APAC
We live in a world where data can aid initiatives and shape marketing strategy. Companies will look at their recruitment and people policies and plans and ask whether they are diverse enough, inclusive enough. Data can help with this. Look at your hiring statistics: what percentage of your applicants are female? Look at your workforce: what percentage of your headcount are female? Look at recent promotions: what percentage of promotions are female?Look at your senior management: what percentage of the board is female? If your results are not seeing an increase in diversity and inclusion then continue to ask yourself why and implement change until you get a cohesive balance. – Tim Eastoe, People Engagement Manager, APAC