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David Lloyd Club






Event Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Public Relations

David Lloyd Club

David Lloyd Leisure (DDL) is the British fitness group leader in Europe. With more than 100 fitness clubs across the continent, David Lloyd Clubs offer well-equipped indoor and outdoor spaces and highly qualified staff. All the Clubs are designed for sporting activities as well as general wellness, such as relaxation and quality family time.


In 2017, David Lloyd Club launched its 114th center in Europe, and its first in Italy, with a 6 million euro investment. The British family club opened its newest center, the David Lloyd Club Malaspina, near Milan. The center is a 3,000 sqm structure with an impressive 60,000 sqm park.

TEAM LEWIS supported the launch of the David Lloyd Club Malaspina in Milan with PR and media relations activities and by organising two events, one for the general public and one for the press.

Thanks to the success of the launch, the David Lloyd Club decided to continue working with TEAM LEWIS for both traditional communication and influencer marketing activities.


TEAM LEWIS organised two highly successful events for David Lloyd Malaspina in Milan. The events were attended by over 500 clients, journalists, and influencers. Giulia Calcaterra, one of the best-known fitness influencers, was the sponsor of the opening evening.

The agency also organised other specific events, such as the presentation of a new ‘workout’ called Napercise to press and bloggers. The new class consists of taking a nap to promote health, a method already widely used around the world.


Successful events, attended by over 500 people, including journalists and influencers

Over 200 articles and interviews.

Start of collaboration: 2017 and ongoing