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L’ultimo libro di Chris Lewis

Today’s world is shaken by major geopolitical and economic changes, for example the arrival of a president like Trump, Brexit and the revival of nationalist movements.

The best-selling author and media entrepreneur, Chris Lewis, and the presidential analyst and consultant, Dr. Pippa Malmgren, identified eight new global trends.
The leadership techniques they identified explain why structured roles no longer work and reshuffling prevails instead. They also reveal how leadership can be a tool for bringing together points and explaining global changes.

The Leadership Lab is developed starting from exclusive interviews with leaders dealing with the new world order. The book explains how brilliant minds have been reduced to having merely analytical visions, for this reason, The Leadership Lab is a must-have book for every type of leader or executive. Through a better understanding of the modes of interaction between geopolitical and economic forces, readers can develop original insights on how to cope with major global movements.

Through the analysis of various sectors, such as the economic, infrastructure, media, geopolitical situation, new technologies, psychology and popular culture, the book traces the latest trends and identifies eight major paradoxes.

The Leadership Lab was published in the UK and US in October 2018.

Order your copy of The Leadership Lab.

Little time to read? You can get an idea of ​​the content by listening to The Leadership Lab podcast on Google Play Music , iTunes or Stitcher .

“La società sta cambiando in modo esponenziale. Per poter crescere, anche il nostro pensiero ha bisogno di cambiare.
The Leadership Lab offre una mappa fondamentale per orientarsi in questo cambiamento.”

Hap Klopp

Founder di The North Face, professore di Entrepreneurship and Innovation alla Hult University.

Gli autori

The authors of this book have been the advisors of great world leaders, such as heads of states, entrepreneurs, investors, politicians, CEOs, humanitarian organizations, military leaders, trainers and scientists all over the world.

Chris Lewis is founder and CEO of TEAM LEWIS. Expert media trainer, he was coach of politicians, businessmen and celebrities. Chris is also a journalist and has collaborated with publications such as the Financial Time , The Daily Telegraph , The Times and The Guardian . Since founding TEAM LEWIS in 1995, it has continued to grow at a rate of 25% per year, becoming one of the world’s leading independent marketing and communications agencies.

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The Dott. Ssa Pippa Malmgren is an economist and entrepreneur. She was an advisor to President George W.Bush, currently working closely with the British government and some of the major financial and military organizations. His best-selling Signals talks about predicting events like the financial crisis, China’s slowdown, Brexit or Trump’s rise to US President, through the analysis of daily signs and common sense. He is also founder of H Robotics, the high-tech company for the production of drones with global success.