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O mais recente livro de Chris Lewis

Why have female led Governments had better responses to the pandemic? Why were more CEOs forced out of jobs in 2018 due to ethical lapses than any other reason? Why is confidence in our leaders at an all-time low and the turn-over of CEOs at an all-time high?

Following the success of their 2018 bestseller, The Leadership Lab, entrepreneur and bestselling-author Chris Lewis and economist and former White House Advisor, Pippa Malmgren, have teamed up again to deliver their insight into the failure, and future, of modern day leadership.

The Infinite Leader is essential reading for all business leaders, entrepreneurs and educators wanting to bring balance to their organisations and deliver sustainable leadership with integrity. It confronts the lessons taught in business schools with fresh thinking that focusses on collaboration, empathy and teamwork. The Infinite Leader also introduces the concept of Zero State Thinking where long-term success depends on a balance between analytic logic and intuition.

Covering the continuous mistakes of those in leadership positions, education and equality, humility vs. certainty and the relationship between confidence and competence, The Infinite Leader offers a roadmap to bringing balance back to organisations.

The Infinite Leader is published in the UK on October 3, 2020. The US publishing date is October 27, 2020.

Order your copy of The Infinite Leader here.

“Os negócios existem a longo prazo, não a curto prazo. Não é necessário liderança; é necessário uma grande liderança. É necessário também um equilíbrio entre sucesso e sustentabilidade, e é disso que trata este livro.”

Sinclair Beecham

Founder, Pret A Manger

Sobre os autores

CHRIS LEWIS é um empreendedor, ex-jornalista e autor do best-seller Too Fast to Think. Em 1995, fundou uma agência de marketing global que, à data, conta com 24 escritórios próprios e emprega 500 funcionários.

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Adquira os anteriores sucessos de vendas The Leadership Lab e Too Fast to Think.

DR PIPPA MALMGREN é economista e empreendedora. Ex-Conselheira da Casa Branca, é hoje conselheira do governo britânico e das maiores organizações financeiras e militares mundiais. O seu best-seller, Signals, previu a grande crise financeira, a desaceleração na China, o Brexit e a ascensão do nacionalismo Americano.

“Prescient and pragmatic in equal measure, The Infinite Leader could just become the bible for post-COVID-19 leadership. ”

Alison Cork


Inside the book

  • What is Infinite Leadership? A new model of ‘Zero State Thinking’, where maintaining balance in leadership is a core goal. The ‘Zero’ model provides leaders with a greater agility to balance demands especially when there are conflicting priorities and is inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man (two intersecting axis each representing polar opposites i.e. rational vs spiritual, short term vs long term or local vs global).
  • A realisation of the continuing problems of leadership and its failure: analytical thinking is not enough. Leaders need to BE – not just DO.
  • An exploration of the fragility of the world economy since Covid-19 and the importance of balance to rectify the economic disasters of the past few months. It is essential we address this if we have any hope of getting the world back on a healthy economic footing.
  • The urgent need for education reform and how we must re-think how we educate students. Collaboration and co-operation are essential. The current model of academic success focussed on individual achievement does not reflect the realities of the workplace and a consequence of that is leaders who cannot lead effectively.
  • The need for greater equality of opportunity in education: China are prioritising educational balance and actively encouraging women to succeed in education and, consequently, rise up the career ladder creating more female leaders.
  • Humility Vs. Certainty – the importance of humility in the workplace as illustrated by Descarte’s ‘I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am’. Why the use of ‘soft skills’ creates leadership with purpose.
  • The myth that confidence equals competence. They are not the same – examination of world leaders and their handling of the pandemic is an excellent case in point.
  • How to find our Inner Leader – the opportunity for improvement is within us all and this is why it remains so elusive. It is the last place we would think to look.

Buy your copy of The Infinite Leader here.

“The Infinite Leader provides original and thought-provoking insight into how leaders can harness the collective intelligence of their teams to successfully navigate uncertainty as well as new and ever-changing circumstances”

Helen Alderson

Comité Internacional da Cruz Vermelha