Schneider Electric: Powering Change campaign
Schneider Electric, an energy management company, is endeavouring to build a world where energy is sustainable and efficiently used. TEAM LEWIS was appointed to help this mission by making the brand synonymous with sustainability, increasing awareness of how it enables business and industry to reach carbon neutrality. The core objective of this campaign was to shift the debate about energy efficiency to tackling energy waste. Together, we created the Powering Change Report from interviews with company experts and by conducting B2B and B2C research.
One of the biggest single contributors to climate change is energy. It is responsible for 80% of our emissions, with 60% of all energy produced globally being lost or wasted. Yet, an analysis of media coverage and conversations demonstrated that the transition to renewable energy dominates the new zero conversation. It was clear that the message of energy waste was not cutting through in the media.
The conversation started by the New York Times International was the light bulb moment. “The problem with energy efficiency is its boring, no one cares about efficiency” was the perfect conversation starter. This was quickly followed by the realisation that even Google thinks energy efficiency is dull. The TEAM LEWIS strategy was clear, people need to visualise and understand energy waste.
The Powering Change video and report were created and released on Earth Day (22nd April 2021). A timelapse visual of the previously much-appreciated bright nighttime London skyline was included to spread the message of how little light levels fall at night. The video first aired on BBC Breakfast and was then later featured 5 times throughout the day.
The Powering Change Report gained national coverage and Corporate Knights named Schneider Electric the World’s Most Sustainable Corporation in 2021. The timelapse video was featured six times on BBC One and BBC London News, reaching over 10 million. Social reach across YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn was in excess of 151,000. Other results include:
- 3,600 – Unique visitors
- 670+ – Report downloads
- 200+ – Pieces of top-tier coverage
- 298 – New business leads