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Die gute Stube e.V.





The ‘gute Stube’ enables the senior citizens of Munich to create a sociable second living room for themselves. In addition to countless opportunities in hobby and workshop rooms, they also have a large garden, which provides the basis for cooking together. True to the motto “Stay curious or die” they try to counteract the loneliness of elderly people with their activities.

The ‘gute Stube’ had to close temporarily due to the COVID crisis, however they came up with alternative activities to offer support to senior citizens like phone initiatives ‘Stubenhocker’, and letters with treats.

Why it matters

Ageing and loneliness is a topic that concerns us all, as we all get older sooner or later. Things can be difficult, challenging and also lonely life can be as the years go by. You might lose your partner, family members and loved ones. Your children might move somewhere else and you can’t see them on a regular basis anymore. A community and a sense of ‘belonging somewhere’ is so important. If you can help someone feel better by simply being there and creating a place for them to go to, then this is definitely worth to support.

LEWIS is proud to support Die gute Stube e.V. through its Causes program.

Image copyright Die gute Stube eV.
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