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Muenchner Buendnis gegen Depression





The mission of Muenchner Buendnis gegen Depression is to make raise public awareness of mental health and to improve the care of Munich citizens suffering from depression. The charity provides help and support to local people through various workshops, lectures and advice.

Why it matters

According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, an estimated 16 to 20 out of 100 people develop depression or chronic depressive mood (dysthymia) at least once at some point in their lives. In Germany, about 5.3 million people are affected by depression each year.

There are many people who live with depression, unbeknownst to their friends, families and colleagues. It’s crucial to educate people on the (early) signs of depression and how to help – whether you’re suffering or if a loved one is.

There is a huge stigma around this topic that needs to be lifted and the general public needs to be educated. Therefore, organisations such as Muenchner Buendnis gegen Depression need urgent support as their work can change and save lives.

LEWIS is proud to support Muenchner Buendnis gegen Depression as part of its Causes program.

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