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Published on

January 1, 2019

As a fully integrated agency, LEWIS no longer works in silos of online, offline, web, PR, creative, social and digital marketing but as one team, which allows us to analyse marketing activities and tactics across all possible consumer touch points.

The LEWIS Marketing Engagement Tracker profiles businesses and brands across 10 key categories that make up the modern marketing mix, which can then be ranked against competitors or industry participants based on a composite score.

The data points within each category have been designed to cover the full marketing mix, with metrics ranging from user experience and personalisation to social media, ad server tactics and customer response times.

LEWIS Marketing Engagement Tracker assessment criteria includes:

  • Tracking
  • User Experience
  • Security
  • Mobile
  • Marketing
  • Sales Funnel
  • Personalisation
  • Response Time
  • Social Media

The tracker is industry and business agnostic, allowing any organisation to get an understanding of how they stack up against their peers, or even companies they aspire to compete with. Most importantly, it provides companies with a 360-degree view of their own marketing tactics.



The LEWIS Marketing Engagement Tracker has been used to analyse how different sectors are approaching their marketing and communications activities. Download the reports to see the top brands across various industries and regions.

United Kingdom Reports
1. The Fintech Index
2. The Endpoint Security Index
3. The Healthtech Index
APAC Reports
1. The Singapore Travel & Hospitality Index
1. The Melbourne Top 35 Index
3. The Australia Fintech Index
4. The Hong Kong Travel & Hospitality Index
5. The Singapore Pharmaceutical Index