Giving animals a chance to live their best life
De Doornakker takes care of animals in need in the Eindhoven region in all kinds of ways. Inspectors, volunteers and trained professionals give help to animals on location. The shelter takes animals in to care for them in-house. Also, Dierenbescherming takes care of people in their relations with animals, for an example as a social buddy. The Dierenbescherming fights animal cruelty on all levels and tries to influence governments to improve animal welfare, even on an international level.
Why it matters:
TEAM LEWIS recognizes that this cause is in a position where it is not only able to help people, but also animals who cannot speak for themselves. There are lots of volunteers giving their spare time and efforts to help, selflessly, animals live their best life. But things like vaccines and medical procedures come at a cost. So, the Dierenbescherming (and thus, De Doornakker) rely on gifts like the one we donated to run their organisation.
“As a very, very proud cat-dad I know how much love and joy animals can bring to a household. Cats (and animals) have a personality, they feel love and care and do indeed hurt when they are not taken care of. Dierenbescherming and De Doornakker give animals a chance of a beautiful life, and that is worth the world to me” – Tiel van den Heuvel, Content Executive at TEAM LEWIS Eindhoven.