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December 19, 2019


content marketing

As 2019 wraps up and we look ahead to a new year, of course we have to partake in a time-honored tradition: predictions! But rather than write the umpteenth predictions article or listicle, we figured we’d instead just have a kiki about it in the latest episode of our “Confessions of a Content Creator” podcast.

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Of course, before we put our prognosticator caps on, we take a step back and dissect the good (interactive long-form content!), the bad (Xfinity’s head-scratching “E.T.” themed ad) and the ugly (#Peloton) of content marketing in 2019. After all, those who don’t learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat bone-headed content marketing strategies in the future.

From there, we spend the bulk of this episode translating the dominating content marketing trends of 2019 into our expectations and predictions for what’s to come in 2020 and beyond. Here are several of the biggest trends we discuss and expect to see catch fire in 2020:

  • Greater emphasis on content variety: Yeah, video’s cool and trendy in the content marketing world, but isn’t always the right channel or medium to reach your audience or reap measurable ROI
  • Rise of the CCO (Chief Content Officer): Content is becoming such an integral component of brand storytelling, strategy and overall success that we expect it to finally break into the C-suite in a big way in 2020
  • More personalized/targeted content: In which we debate the efficacy of highly personalized/targeted content and how this trend will evolve in 2020 and beyond (i.e. will brands start encouraging their influencers to create content informed by SEO?)
  • Creating/optimizing content for SERP Position Zero: 2020 will be all about coming in at zero in terms of organic search rankings.

Finally, we end the episode by identifying the content types and mediums that truly defined this decade. Hint: we really miss Vine (RIP!), pay massive respect to the way listicle content changed the game (despite your personal feelings about Buzzfeed), and wax rhapsodic about the pervasive ubiquity of the GIF.

content marketing GIF

Take a journey to the near future with us by listening to “Confessions of a Content Creator, Episode 3 — Gazing into the Future of 2020 Content Marketing” And be sure to check out our blog series detailing 2020 trend predictions around topics including:

Stay tuned for our next episode where we’ll break down the ABCs of how to write a powerful eBook. To catch more episodes of “Confessions of a Content Creator,” be sure to rate, review and subscribe to our podcast. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Google PlayStitcher and most anywhere you get your podcast on. See you in the new year!

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