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Brand Awareness Case Study

Allen & Overy

Professional Services Strategy


The brief for the Unchartered Territories campaign was focused on driving brand awareness and promoting interest in a new capability. The campaign needed to get this audience to think differently about the role litigators play. It was aimed at reaching in-house General Counsel and relevant decision makers. It had to convey the value of these legal risks and reposition A&O’s advisors as a proactive rather than a reactionary remedy.


We broke out of A&O’s legacy brand with a video campaign powered by client insights, industry intelligence and competitor analysis data. We helped represent an autonomous vehicle crash, an orbital collision and fraud in a virtual world without a Hollywood budget. The campaign injected creativity and innovation into this narrative to drive traffic and capture brand recognition in their targeted customers.


We surprised their target market with new advertising strategies that did justice to this new service. A&O’s LinkedIn ads reached over 147,000 people and set them apart from competitors online.

Alongside launching the successful virtual campaigns, we helped them connect with the BBC, the Financial Times, The Economist, Bloomberg, and more, for debates around risk and opportunity of the future of legal services.

Key results


LinkedIn users reached


clicks on LinkedIn


tier one media outlets covered

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