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Published on

November 28, 2017


marketing, public relations

The decline and perhaps disappearance of traditional television is a daunting reality. While television subscriptions are decreasing, the number of Netflix subscribers increases every year.

Research shows that Netflix saves its subscribers from 160 hours of commercials per year. Netflix viewers are therefore difficult to access via traditional media. How can marketers reach this target group, also known as the millennials?

IpadHere are three ways to reach the Netflix viewing target group:


Many brands leverage television ads to increase brand awareness and promote products. This still works well with traditional television viewers. But the Netflix-watching millennials see almost no commercials on television. When it comes to buyer influence, millennials are more likely to listen to the opinions of someone they trust, instead of listening to TV commercials. So instead of utilizing TV commercials, ensure your products and services have good reviews. As a reminder, a review is an opinion that a customer writes about your company.

A proven method to accomplish this is through influencers. Influencers are people with their own blog that are seen as reliable in the eyes of their target group. A great example of how influencers are used is when travel agencies ask travel bloggers to go to a certain destination and write about it. A well-known example of this is The Bucket List Family, who spent 30 days in Disneyland sharing beautiful photos, videos, and promotions every day. All Disney had to do was pay for the family’s stay and in return received a huge boost of positive attention with more than 40,000 likes per photo.Bucket List Family


This generation that determines what it buys, would also like to know how it should be done. For example, “How do I lay a laminate floor?” Gamma does a great job explaining this in an instructional video, which are very popular among the target group millennials.

Additionally, explanations in blogs are also used often. By helping your customers, they voluntarily view and read your advertising. Because they like to watch your advertising, your brand builds good rapport. You are seen as an expert in your field instead of an intrusive organization with annoying commercials that get stuck in your head.


Millennials enjoy sharing advertising when it includes playful action or special stories that are accompanied by a good photo or video. To accomplish this, you need to have a lot of creativity, because your advertising has to be unique. The goal of course is to get as many shares as possible. So make sure your ads are unexpected, have obvious links with your organization, and stand out.

Think carefully about your PR stunt from beginning to end. A poorly thought-out PR stunt can easily go wrong and damage your brand. A recent example is the PR stunt of Tony Chocolonely. The PR stunt consisted of spreading fake news, which created cracks in relationships with journalists. You need to create a message that is positive and will, in turn, generate more customers and fans. To understand how effective a good PR stunt can be, here is a video of LG putting their screens to the test. This video has been viewed more than 40 million times on YouTube.

You can’t reach Netflix-viewing millennials through traditional media anymore. Instead, look to creative alternatives such as developing reviews, tutorials, or PR stunts. Whichever strategy you undertake, ensure that it contains relevant content. Keep in mind that this target group determines what they watch and read. Make sure it’s interesting, so that people want to share it or even go back and look it up. If you are going to excel in developing creative and relevant campaigns, then you need to build a gifted and loyal fan base for your brand.

Need help reaching your target audience? Reach out.

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