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Kirsten Spoelstra

Published on

September 7, 2017


agency life, professional skills

A big aspect of work is facing new challenges. Whether you are starting work for a new employer, becoming self employed, or, in my case, growing a career at your current company, challenge becomes the norm.

Woman rock climbingIn the more than three years I’ve worked for LEWIS, I have come into contact with different management styles that have influenced my personal style. Exposure to different styles allows you to judge styles that you are and aren’t. As you continue to work for a company, over the years you build the necessary experience to become a manager. Experience is the key to stepping into a new career opportunity. Thus, the well know statement by Albert Einstein says: “The only source of knowledge is experience”. Experience is synonymous with falling down and getting back up. To avoid falling, or at least to help you gut up quickly, I’m offering three tips to become a better Account Manager. Grab a cup of coffee or sip on some tea (and enjoy!), because here they come:

1. Learn to Delegate.

Simply walking around and pointing your finger will not help your leadership development. What does help is setting clear agreements with your team members regarding the responsibilities at each individual level. As a result, each team member feels a sense of ownership, takes on the so-called helicopter view, and gives you the opportunity to grow in your management role. Additionally, you avoid falling back into your old role as an executive force, which may be the biggest pitfall of an Account Manager.

2. Stay true to yourself.

Managing is human work. Yes yes, I hear you thinking .. what a cliché! But it’s true. A good manager is always busy with his or her team; how does each team member work, where does each excel, where does each need improvement, and who can handle more challenge? But the way someone manages is different from person to person. Some people thrive with a harder approach and others with a softer approach. Some team members become unhappy if you constantly micromanage, while other team members appreciate more direction. The most important thing is that you stay true to yourself in your management role and be transparent with your team. Dare to discuss possible bottlenecks, because talking creates a fun, familiar, and comfortable work environment for everyone.

3. People do not leave jobs, they leave leaders.

A well-known statement that causes Account Managers to sweat. The starting point here is to seek team members who have complementary characteristics and skills. Recognize and acknowledge not only your own weaknesses, but also your team members’ and cultivate a friendly work environment that can develop everyone’s character and talents. Do not hesitate to involve other colleagues outside your team if it contributes to the quality of a campaign. Additionally, make sure that there are enough challenges available for ambitious team members so that he or she does not get board or feel reluctant to come to the office. Instill confidence in motivated and performing team members and always reward good work. After all, isn’t it human nature to enjoy compliments?

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