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November 20, 2024


communications, corporate social responsibility, public relations

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    Fake news continues to run rampant today, which beckons the question as to whether communication professionals are paying sufficient attention to ethics in the workplace.

    Without a doubt, ethical communication should be top-of-mind for every public relations agency professional. In business communication, more often than not, we tend to prioritize results-driven objectives such as creating mass awareness, encouraging purchase intent and driving demand. Nonetheless, it is just as imperative to take a step back and ask ourselves if we are being fully honest and transparent, or engaging in unethical behavior in any shape or form.

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    Unethical communication still takes place because of one key reason: people often underestimate the impact of communication. In fact, communication is a paramount tool in developing a relationship and building trust with your audience. It has the power to shape narratives across any given topic from politics to technology and requires careful and thoughtful consideration of ethical principles.

    Consider the flip-side. Unethical communication has the potential to significantly damage the online reputation of the organization in question. Imagine if a press release announcing a new product mentioned a unique feature that the item did not actually possess, or a social media post made false or exaggerated claims about being an award-winning company. You can expect your audience to immediately lose trust in the organization in a way that is next to impossible to undo.

    What Is Ethical Communication?

    Simply put, ethical communication refers to communicating in a manner that is clear, concise, truthful, and responsible. But in a profession that does not have an explicit set of guidelines, it can be challenging to discern right from wrong.

    Be that as it may, just as the medical industry has its regulations and ethical standards to adhere to, communication professionals should observe an unwritten code of ethical conduct that acts as the backbone of our communications strategy and a key virtue of professionalism.

    We should always strive to achieve both effective communication and ethical communication — who says there is no way to balance both?

    Let’s explore four key ethical principles that every communications professional should bear in mind.

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    The Principles of Ethical Communication

    1. Ensuring Transparency and Honesty

    When following ethical guidelines, communicate only what is known to be the truth. Ethics can be tricky in this regard because although it may not have been your intention, it is still considered unethical even if a mere 1 percent of what is said is false.

    I mentioned “responsibility” earlier and here’s where it comes into play: the responsibility of guaranteeing every single word is factual and accurate falls into the hands of the communications professional. This corporate social responsibility starts from conducting thorough research all the way to including proper attribution of all references and sources.

    As you strive to strengthen transparency and honesty, you should take part in strong social media etiquette on platforms such as Facebook, X, and Instagram. When creating posts, do not feature content that is misleading or full of factual inaccuracies. Instead, come up with posts that properly represent your services.

    If you decide to partner with influencers, be honest about the type of company you represent. Being upfront about services means that it will be clear if influencers enjoy your organization. It is always better to work with these types of influencers, instead of ones that are not interested in what you have to offer.

    Being wholly transparent during ethical decision making also means establishing truthful representation. Disclose all pertinent details including any caveats or negatives, as minute as they may seem. Despite the fact that many people think public relations is synonymous with “the spin,” we should never change the narrative based on what we want our audience to believe. You want your brand voice to be genuine when taking part in ethical communication. This means presenting an authentic brand image that doesn’t come across as phony or over the top. This can be done if you truly understand your audience.

    2. Understanding Your Audience

    American comedian, Fred Allen famously said, “An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission” but that should never be the case.

    Oftentimes written PR and corporate communications becomes overcomplicated with jargon, niche industry terminology or abstractionism that would make absolutely no sense to a layperson.

    For instance, during the 2024 Paris Olympics, a U.S. tech company withdrew its olympic advertising after the opening ceremony featured a parody of the Last Supper, which many found offensive. This is why understanding and aligning messages with the context and sensitivities of the audience is so important.

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    Before writing, we need to ask ourselves questions like:

    • Who is going to read this?
    • How much background knowledge do they have?
    • Is there a way I can communicate this in a more straightforward manner?

    Let’s not forget that communication is always a two-way street. Community engagement is not just about us getting a message across. It is also the feedback we receive, which largely depends on how the message was comprehended. This means that we must factor in any language barriers that the audience may face and push for representation in our choice of words. As communication professionals, this helps us make certain that we do not present anything that may cause harm or be construed as demeaning, intolerant or even hateful.

    3. Respecting Confidentiality and Privacy

    Privacy is a hot topic, and rightfully so. It is so easy to get carried away, especially when there is a potentially sensational message, but always ensure you are not violating any individual’s privacy or disclosing confidential information regarding an organization.

    Honor and safeguard the confidentiality of your customers and partners that may have disclosed certain details that are meant to strictly be kept under wraps, even if there is no legally binding document such as a non-disclosure agreement. The same applies to those working in journalism and who may have tapped on sources that have requested to remain anonymous or shared private knowledge off the record. When you work on developing and earning more trust, it is recommended that your company has strong privacy policies in place. These written statements or documents help prove that you will keep sensitive details away from the public. If your company uses cybersecurity, mention the measures that are used to keep employees and others safe.

    4. Choosing the Right Time and Place

    Following ethical communication practices goes beyond what you are saying, but also when and where. Take for example an advertisement for cigarettes on a children’s television channel or a feature story on high-technology weapons in the midst of a conflict. While extreme scenarios, these demonstrate the importance of when and where we decide to communicate.

    Be tactful and mindful in choosing the most appropriate time and place to communicate. Plan and strategize. Research your audience, the various options you have for mediums or channels, as well as global events that may affect the way your message is received and perceived.

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    Ethical Considerations When Communicating Difficult Messages

    Effectively conveying difficult messages requires balancing transparency with empathy while adhering to ethical standards. In recent years, emerging trends like AI-driven content and heightened cultural sensitivity demand additional vigilance. Here are key considerations:

    • Cultural Awareness: Ensure your messages resonate with diverse audiences to avoid missteps, such as campaigns misaligned with cultural values. Proactively involve diverse voices during content creation.
    • Transparency in Intent: Clearly explain why the message is being communicated and the reasoning behind decisions. Transparency reduces speculation and builds credibility, as seen in 2024 when several companies publicly disclosed their decision-making processes during layoffs, gaining public understanding despite the tough news.
    • AI Accountability: When using AI tools, verify the accuracy of generated content. A recent example involved automated systems crafting layoff notifications, leading to public outcry over perceived insensitivity.
    • Thoughtful Timing: Assess global and local contexts before delivering challenging news. For instance, avoid scheduling announcements during crises that may overshadow or skew message reception.
    • Long-term Perspective: Frame the message within a broader narrative that highlights long-term benefits or mitigation strategies. For instance, companies announcing restructuring should outline future growth opportunities to provide context and hope.
    • Follow-Up Communication: After delivering a difficult message, follow up with updates or actions that demonstrate accountability. Research shows that organizations that provided consistent post-announcement updates received higher trust ratings from stakeholders.

    Integrating these practices into your communication strategy helps foster trust, minimizes reputational risks, and demonstrates a commitment to ethical standards in an evolving landscape.

    Putting an End to the Ethical Dilemma in Communications

    Ethics should be the cornerstone of every organization’s communication strategy. We know this to be true, but what does it mean to communicate ethically? Because the topic of communication ethics is not typically discussed as often as it should, this frequently results in uncertainty on the part of communication professionals.

    To properly make sure that all employees at your communication are effectively taking part in ethical communication, consider suggesting trainings focused on responsible communication for brands. As ethical strategies are developed, you can create guidelines that will help keep all employees morally responsible during day-to-day tasks.

    Effective ethical communication and ethical decision making are foundational to the success of an organization’s communication strategy. While communicating factually accurate messages honestly and transparently is central to ethical communication, it also extends far beyond that.

    With that in mind, what would you change about the way you communicate?


    Need help getting your corporate communication strategy off the ground? Check out how our PR services work together to create a positive reputation for brands and contact us today. 

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